Profile 略歴


喜多  木ノ実  Konomi Kita

1961年  東京生まれ、埼玉県育ち(浦和第一女子高等学校卒業)。
2000~2015年 ミネアポリス日本語補習授業校で数学を教える。
2013年 ボローニャ国際絵本原画展入選。
2013・2014年 東京、西宮にて個展。
2015~2023年現在:各種装画・挿画を担当中。作品例: 「明智小五郎事件簿 全12巻」シリーズ装画 (2016-2017,集英社)、ゲーテ著「ファウスト」装・挿画 (2022,作品社)。

近年 ピアノ弾き語りを趣味に加え、2022年3月、動画「ドン・キホーテ」を発表。

Born in 1961 in Tokyo, raised in Saitama, Japan.
Earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in German Language and Literature from the University of Tokyo.
Worked in Europe as a German-Japanese-English translator/interpreter in the 1980’s and 1990’s,
while also illustrating some books and magazines.
Moved to the United States in 1995, and
taught mathematics at the Minneapolis Japanese School from 2000 to 2015.
Was an artist selected for recognition at the 2013 Bologna International Children’s Book Illustrators’ Competition.
Exhibited artwork in Nishinomiya and Tokyo in 2013 and 2014.
2015-Present, Creating cover art and illustrations. Examples: Front cover art for the twelve-book series “Kogoro Akechi Case Files”, Shueisya (2016-2017), Goethe’s “Faust”, Sakuhin-sha (2022)
2019-Present, my artwork has been continually featured on the brochures and envelopes of Saitama prefecture’s Mutual Insurance Cooperative.

I’m an avid reader, who is fluent in Japanese, English, German, and French.
I also enjoy singing to my own piano accompaniment.
Created a YouTube video “A Don Quixote Animation” featuring both my art and music in 2022.